As an English major, I have some experience creating websites through Wix and have found them to be quite handy and easy to create. I personally believe that maintain a course website is extremely beneficial to students and would like to have one for my students in the future. I believe that you can make a simple but informative website and update with ease and so they are worth the little bit of effort to keeps students on track and informed. I would definitely choose to include a calendar where students can easily access due dates as well as information on large assignments. This was if a student is confused or needs a question answered, they can refer to the website to get most of the answers--this would save me from answering a lot of repeat email questions from students I think.
How I envision myself using technology:
As the podcast mentioned, even after graduating college we cannot possibly know everything and will continue to learn and continue our professional development. I believe that in the future I will continue to use blogs to receive tips from experienced teachers. The teachers who blog likely have faced situations that I will encounter as a teacher and can give useful feedback. I also can see myself attending webinars to expand my knowledge in an affordable way.
Web Evaluation Assignment:
I felt like the web evaluation assignment was a really great refresher course on how to analyze sources and choose the most reliable ones. I found the powerpoint very informative. I had never thought about creating a web evaluation form to hand out to students for when they are doing a research assignment and really like the idea of this. I did struggle some with the assignment however because I felt like the instructions were somewhat unclear to me personally.

I commented on Erika's post in regard to how we envision ourselves using technology in the future. I also commented on Mallory's post about maintaining a class website.